Data processing
Age analysis
Would you like to know how old your customers are but don’t have this information at hand? Do you want to address your mailing only to persons within a specific age group but the year of birth cannot be established from the mailing lists you use?
Then we have the solution for you: In cooperation with our independent partners, we will analyse the first names contained in the addresses you use in order to allocate them to a probable age group. Such an analysis made possible by a database containing some 5 million first names where the real age of the person is known. You can deploy the results of this analysis to increase the probability that an addressee does actually belong to the peer group you require. This reduces your wastage, saves you a lot of money and improves the response rates of your mailings.
Get in touch with us and make use of an age analysis: We will be pleased to make you a non-binding offer.
Liebetrau Listservice’s services in the field of DATA PROCESSING:

Lars Mühlschlegel Tel.: +49 (0)2 21/99 22 53 21
Our data processing takes you over every hurdle...
... on the way to a successful mailing. Feel free to request an offer to meet your specific needs.