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Data processing

Data processing – frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is a duplicate?

A duplicate is an address that appears more than once in your database. It may not be immediately recognizable as such due to different spellings. Duplicates may originate from different methods used to enter addresses or due to people moving or changing their name. In addition, the merging of databases causes duplicates, for example when addresses are leased for a mailing.

Do I have to perform a merge purge to eliminate duplicates if I want to send out a mailing?

As a rule, we recommend performing a merge purge before sending off a mailing. There are always overlaps between your internal mailing list and the external addresses you use; furthermore, duplicates can also be created when purging your internal customer database (relocations, postal correction of addresses). The costs of a merge purge are more than offset by savings in terms of material, addresses that don’t have to be used as well as postage. Not to mention the damage to your image and the hassle with the recipients – all of which is totally unnecessary.

Can I prevent my mailing from being received by persons who do not want to receive any advertising at all?

The use of what is known as the “Robinson List” (= MPS Mailing Preference Service) makes it possible to identify those persons contained in a database who do not want to receive any advertising. If you only use internal addresses for your mailing, it will not be necessary to use the “Robinson List” as customers or prospects who no longer wish to receive any advertising material from you will contact you directly. However, we always recommend using the “Robinson List” for external addresses.

How can it be ensured that the addresses I write to are up to date?

We advise you to update the addresses from your internal database on a regular basis and to update external addresses prior to use by purging them with databases containing the details of relocated persons, deceased persons and addresses where post has been returned undelivered. The expenses incurred for such updates are offset against the costs caused by mailings that cannot be delivered (printing, processing, postage, possibly external addresses) and lost orders from customers who no longer receive your advertising.

How can I keep the risk of payment default to a minimum with regard to the consumers or businesses who receive my mailings?

You can have a check on the risk of a payment default by the recipients of your mailing performed by various rating agencies before sending it. These agencies rate the creditworthiness of both consumers and businesses based on a range of characteristics. Recipients with an especially high risk of default are removed from the file prior to sending.

All of Liebetrau’s services in the field of DATA PROCESSING:

Do you have any further questions? Get in touch with me now!

Lars Mühlschlegel Tel.: +49 (0)2 21/99 22 53 21

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