Voucher booklet
Advertise together with other mail order companies and benefit from low advertising costs and a wide reach! Our “voucher booklet” cooperation project is an advertising format that attracts a great deal of attention while offering numerous benefits to your customers. The “voucher booklet” enables you to reach a target group of traditional mail order buyers characterised by high follow-up order rates. This target group responds excellently to purchase impulses triggered by traditional mailings.
Decide for yourself whether you want to advertise in two steps with the “voucher booklet” and initially only generate leads, or to attract new customers directly with a special offer.
The “voucher booklet” is based on the concept of cooperation: By participating, you contribute to the low price of this advertising medium by distributing part of the circulation in the parcels dispatched by your business. Partner-specific codes help you measure the results of the distribution with regard to each individual partner.
The “voucher booklet” is issued once a year as a rule and is distributed by various partners between September and December. If you would like to test the voucher booklet for yourself and are able to distribute 5,000 parcel inserts a month, please get in touch with us. We would be pleased to make an offer tailored to the needs of your business!
Liebetrau Listservice’s services in the field of INSERTS:

Claudia Quast Tel.: +49 (0)2 21/99 22 53 25
Make sure your inserts are in the right place
... to achieve the best results. We will plan the success of your campaign – get in touch with us right away!