Database optimization
Your fundraising activities will be successful only if your donor database is up to date. Working together with our independent partners pb direkt and Intellidata, we will help you update your database and make sure it remains that way. Only an-up-to-date database empowers you to successfully remain in contact with your donors. We enable you to save a lot of money for mailings that are undeliverable or sent twice to the same person as well as the postage for letters to people who wish to avoid the receipt of unsolicited direct mailings.
Talk to us about the quality of your internal mailing list – we will be happy to provide advice and, if you wish, will perform an address audit for your donor database free of charge.
In cooperation with our IT partners, we offer the following services:
Database analyses
Change of address and deceased checks
Mail response analyses
Merge purges
Scoring analyses
First name analyses to determine the age
Get in touch with us! We will be pleased to provide advice and make you a non-binding offer to purge your donor database.
Liebetrau Listservice’s services in the field of FUNDRAISING:

Lars Mühlschlegel Tel.: +49 (0)2 21/99 22 53 21
Fundraising without a handicap is quite easy you will see...
... with our dialogue marketing expertise and our customized solutions for your campaign. Get in touch with us right away – by phone or using the contact form.